Thursday, October 26, 2006

Escape from Cubicle

(Friday, Oct 28th)

I look longingly at the world beyond the confines of this cubicle. The world outside beckons. I conspire and plot to make a break... this weekend...

(Saturday, Oct 29th)

I and Everyman set upon a bike ride into the Western Ghats. This time there was no monsoon. The sky was blue and the hills were beginning to dry. The waterfall that was roaring was now down to a trickle, with tiny fish stranded in little pools awaiting a dry grave... The grass still retained some of the green, now a more yellowish shade.... It was still beautiful!

Misson Accomplished!!! :-) :-) :-)


Mysorean said...


alice said...

so where did u go????

and PS i've moved to a newblog

claytonia vices said...

I biked down to Mulshi again... :-) ...and that's where i took these snaps...

Jerusha said...

Really nice pics, I'm already falling in love with Munshi. And next time you guys decide to go bike off somewhere, invite me along :p



Everyman said... was a great trip..though i wish that waterfall was in spate and that there was somebody below the waterfall ;-)

A fallout : finally got to realise what sunburn was!

claytonia vices said...

Everyman, it's ok to use Fair and Handsome! ;-)

claytonia vices said...

Too late, Sundancer! I bet the fish got fried by now! ;-) The weather's good for the konkan seaside now...

alice said...

the pics are beautiful...u r awesome at clicking pics...

tell me what u think of this?

Pixie said...

Brilliant Pics!!! :)
Mulshi sounds very inviting! :)

alice said...

thx for the advice answer to ur qs...i dont mind carrying a heavire bulky camera
also it doesnt have to be automatic...i m happy to do it manually...
i DO WANT an has to be an SLR...
i dont mind spending a little extra money...
and the camera i buy now...i m gona use it for ages....for a long long time...

and i plan to click pics of kids/families/places/monuments/hills/objects

can u pls help me...pls pls pls...and also give me some tips on clicking good pics...

i've got a couple of days to decide which one i m going for...pls help :)

GuNs said...

Amazing photos !!

Where is this place in the photos?

I'm from Pune too. I've moved to the UK last week but I've been on so many treks in and around Pune (and also one in the Himalayas recently).

Do check my blog when you get time.



I wish I could move out of the cubicle... permanently!

claytonia vices said...

Thanks Guns and whatever!
Aparna, lets become travel writers! ;-)

Cinderella said...

So refreshing !!!

Mriganayanii said...

yes i agree. It makes me want to throw up.