Tuesday, June 21, 2005

It's a beautiful day!

The monsoon clouds are charging in from the southwest. The patches of sky between them are deep blue. As the clouds move on, the sun peeps through the spaces occasionally flooding the land with a pure white light and then hides again! The air is crystal clear and you can see very far. The trees are fresh green... A cool breeze keeps you company.

But you know you are missing someone...


Arunima said...

umm, somebody is romantic. So, what's the capital of Nostalgia?

claytonia vices said...

According to me the capital of Nostalgia is Mysore. It can vary from person to person... :)

RS said...

Yes, you're always missing someone. You only begin to enjoy yourself when the realization comes crashing on you and then it's all downhill.

Akruti said...

Beautiful,Such a sight always brings back memories of someone:)

claytonia vices said...

What makes u think so, Reshma?

Thanks Akruti!