Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Cabin by the Tree

This exotic place has mesmerised me. I have visited it about 5 times in about one year and I still feel like going back. When you are here, all you see is the earth and the sky, and this little cabin with a dead tree beside it. This tree hasn't had a single leaf for over a year now but it still stands its ground. The silence here is nearly absolute, except for the distant 'whoosh' of vehicles on the national highway about a kilometer away. Now and then sparrows flit around chirping away a happy conversation...

If you walk closer to the structure, you will be a little anxious to see the pitch-darkness that you see inside. But when you look closely, you see that it is a temple. Unsual temple... It has a mound of turmeric with a red tilak in place of an idol...

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