If I had a near-death experience, it could be riding pillion with my bike-crazy friend on his Karizma (the one above) at around 100kmph. The bike seems to pur silently even at these speeds and the loudest sound is that of the wind blasting by and the occassional 'swish' sound of a vehicle you just overtook, now quickly shrinking into the distance...
It is easy to see why he is addicted to it...
sexy bike....
Now why did u enable comment moderation??? Did someone say anythin..err..'adultery' (that's adult-like..my own coinage..hehe)
As for the bike, i havent gone beyond 70..reason simply bein (in addition to me being a very safe driver) is that my bike is an old man..he is all of 18 years old..and he rattles even at 70!
Being the responsible nurse that I am, I would advise you to wear a one piece leather outfit if you do decide to go pillion with your friend on this bike..because if you do happen to have the misfortune of having an accident, there will only be one piece of you for the emergency services to have to pick up off the road. As it happens, fatalities at this speed mostly end up being a jig saw for the coroner.
I do like your site though, you have lovely pictures to see that is for sure.
kind regards, Cazzie!!!
now isnt cazzie's comment one for the light-hearted ;-)
well, i share my sympathies with you... back seat driving aint the best thing to do on earth !!
especially when the guy with his hand on the accelerator feels that he is liberating himself by fulfilling his tryst with the sound barrier...
everyman, you shd mention that your old man got a cataract op & some plastic surgery done :D :D
Well, alice and rachna, my friend would love to hear that! :-)
everyman, no 'adultery' happened, I wanted to try it...
Hmmm... Cazzie... that was enlightening... I will forward this post and with it your comments to my adrenaline addicted friend... :-)
You're right musafir... by the way, your blog is cool!
Adi, booked any tickets?
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