Monday, June 05, 2006

Mysore Sky

Aaaah.... the wide open skies! No highrises, no smoke.... only sky...
...used a 2Megapixel Canon Powershot S200...
The same shot with watercolor, artistic filter in Photshop CS:


zoxcleb said...

somehow the filtered one looks nicer... but i dont like altering with such natural beauty anyway! :-)

Arunima said...

I brave the wind and the storms!!

Arunima said...


Since you have enabled comment moderation, I think you can do away with the word verification as you have the authority to delete whatever you want.

That will save us the pain of typing a lot of things. Just a suggestion.

claytonia vices said...

Thanks for pointing that arunima... its gone now! :)

Nandhu said...

hey are u guy or girl? why these layers of protection?

claytonia vices said...

Phoenix, gender stereotypes no longer work! ;-)

Anonymous said...

preetee :)

Visithra said...

i like the first one very beautiful