She's loves to sit on the swing. She can make 'tea' from the kitchen set and warns you that the stove is too hot to touch. Never throws tantrums. She's got a little book collection. She showed her storybook of the firemen and their dalmation. It was nice to see her squealing in excitement while looking at the colourful images in the book as if she had seen it for the first time! Everything's fine except her vocabulary, which seems to be out of the ordinary. She knows that something can smell 'pungent'. I'll let you know if she starts her own blog! :-)
she is are great...they've got a world of tgeir own...a language of thier own...only they can understand it...
nice. really nice!
I haven't been missing out on the pictures. Thanks to you.
true, alice!
Thanks karchoong!
arunima, :-)
great post and adorable kid!
nice one vikas! I have seen the complete series of the photograph so I understand what you mean!
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