Yes, I have been meeting a lot of interesting people. Here is little chunnu-munnu trying to find out what the camera lens smells like. Ok, I don't know the real name of this little guy. But wouldn't chunnu-munnu make a great name? And do make sure you put your suggestions in the comments ;).
hey.. thanks for dropping by my space..
I just went back n read some of ur older posts - Bout lies ppl tell -
I'm NOT a parasite. But I ALWAYS call back, even if the person deosn mean much to me. m just prompt at it.
And phonetically its more like fraandship on orkut. LOL!
Interesting blog1 keep writing.
Hey, that's cute. Maybe I'll call him/her 'Garlic.' He/she is fair, small and will certainly be smelly. What do you say?
I went on a little photo shoot trip with T.S. Satyan recently. My new post is on that and also carries my pic of Satyan. Let me know your take on it. Bye.
Very cute indeed!!! My girl has a couple of cute puppy snaps too at her blog. Puppies are cute, but having them feels like bringing up a child in fast forward mode. They outgrow that cute phase within just 2-3 months!!! :)
Chunnu munnu it is!!
Lets u bring out all dat love u have stored somewhere deep within you, and just let it flow out when u see sumtin as innocent as this one.
Too cute!! A handshake from me for lil boy chunnu munnu!! :)
Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your feedback. This is a fun photo, and your name choice is wonderful. God bless.
What a cuite wooty likkle fella!
Nice photo!
:D he looks confused...may wondering why you'd want to give him two names?
That's very nice of you pointblank. :)
Raghu, yeah garlic would be a nice name! :)
Illusionaire, I did see the puppy post you made a couple of months or so ago... and yes I read about Satea! :)
@Saritha, :)
@sandy, Thanks!
Thanks for dropping by Martin!
LOL! Even I have two names, crumbs!
it's sucha cuteeee pic! I loved it. and yes chunnu munnu fits the bill. Or maybe chunni-munni could do as well =)
that s a cute pup...
btw you r tagged!
All I can say is
superb photo man!
i just found your blog today!
very nice posts, and amazing photos!!!
Kisses from Barcelona (spain)
My name is Francina:
awwww geee Vikki...this one touches my heart :-)
I would say..chunnu munnu wunnu...
elusive, lively, niveditha, francina, everyman: THAAAANNNKKS :)
Sucha cute and innocent face. Chunnu Munnu itself is a very sweet name :)
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