Wednesday, April 09, 2008

It Takes So Little

The mesmerized smile was imprinted on his face. His eyes were fixed on the ice-cream cone in his hand. Probably 3-4yrs old. You had to probably watch your step to not step on his little feet as you hurried across to catch your bus at the other end of the bus terminal. A woman, probably his mom, walked ahead unaware that the kid might not exactly be paying attention to which way she is going. It was that little smile. It would make you realize you too are smiling a while after it unconsciously appears on your face. It stays with you long after. Reminds you it takes so little to make a kid happy...

This post if for you, Lucky!! :)


Pixie said...

very true..

Jerusha said...

sigh* I wish an ice cream cone can make me happy...

H.S. Dharmendra said...

Well, for me a nice photograph works like an ice cream.

Hey Vikki check out my explanations for your comments on my post on 'Yugadi' or 'Ugadi'.

You made me think a lot with your comments. Thanks for dropping by.

Anonymous said...

As I was walking home today after work..I saw some kids playing badminton under the street lights...and they were having so much fun!!!!...I wanted to drop my bag and lunch dabba on the street and have a wolley with them!!!...but I continued walking...then I realised I was grinning stupidly...


Cinderella said...

Sometimes i wish....we could be kids again....

Life was so much simpler....

Yoga Gal said...

What a sweet blog.

busy-writer said...

aww, so true.

Niveditha Sunderraj said...

Sometimes, those little things in life make you a lot happier than the larger ones. I think we shoould enjoy those rather than always cribbing about not achieving the bigger ones.

Anonymous said...

sweet, thanks :)

u know who!!:):)

claytonia vices said...

Pixie, you are so prompt at commenting! :)

Jerusha, something similar here, ice cream does not make me as happy as it used to. Pay rises do! LOL! ;)

anytime Raghu! I replied to your reply :) A very interesting topic you brought up!

Rekha, :)

yeah cindi, but I still think u are doing a pretty good job at keeping that child in you alive...

Thanks for dropping by Yoga gal and busy writer!

That's so true nivedita!

Yes, I know :)
You're welcome!

Not this shit again said...

re: your comment.
i agree, quite strange, that!

Arunima said...

icecream can make me happy too. well, most of the times :-)

but yes, point taken.

My Unfinished Life said...

yeah it takes so little to make kids happy..wish we adults were the same....

Keshi said...

yes! And sometimes Im like a only takes very lil to make me happy...and thats when Im truly happy.


H.S. Dharmendra said...

Hi Vikki, I have posted on 'negative spects of education' I would like your comments on it.

And why no new posts lately?

Saritha Rajagopal said...

Wish we didnt need reason to be happy. Sometimes, all it takes is a smile to bring a smile on another's face. Helps me a lot, when I see a smiling face when I wake up in the morning, walk into office or open the door of the conference room. Makes life so much better!

Pink Wings said...

Hi,yes a smile of innocent sweet children ofetn bright up your day. Thanx for your comment, on my blog that was the thing i was thinking about.