Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Coconut Land 2

I shall not speak...


Ads said...

oh you have just spoken a thousand word there!!! Gorgeous!!

Pixie said...

Beautiful... :)
the third pic and the last, but 1 pic are my favorites!

Lucy In The Sky said...

ooooo..it's beautiful. How nice it would be to go there and have picnic on a lazy day.

PS: I've always assumed you were a Mizo!

H.S. Dharmendra said...

No need for words, Vikas. Your photographs are louder than words.

akancha said...

Hey thanks man! Yeah, I did visit ur blog few times...needless to say its beautiful...reminded of few places near my hometown :-)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. And calm, very contrary to what I've been seeing of-late!

nb.. said...

beautiful :-) absolutely gorgeous...

I plan to visit this land soon but till that happens, I will keep looking at these breath taking pics to remind myself, that theres a beautiful place I need to visit soon :-)

thanks for sharing it ..

Lena said...

soooooooooooo beautiful! indeed no words are necessary!

Everyman said...

Is this kerala :-D

silhouette..my pick!

Shirley said...

Sigh... :)

mk said...

They say the two ideals of photography: The photographer's mind and his machine, are always at fight.
You exemplify this most aptly and you win.
The pics are simply amazing.

The Penny Lane said...

And so shall you not...damn, you just gettin better..happy new yeah buddy :)

claytonia vices said...

Thanks Ads, Pixie, Lucy, Raghu, akancha, niveditha, nikita, Lena, Everyman, Shirley, mrunmayee, and Penny Lane! :)

Everyman, it is the OTHER God's own country :)

workhard said...

These pictures are beautiful. The third one, i have not seen anything like that before..


skar said...

your photos are ridiculously good!

silverine said...

You are gifted! I haven't seen beautiful photography anywhere else!

claytonia vices said...

Thanks Workhard, Karthik and Silverine!