Monday, June 29, 2009

Back to the Roots

He made sure he is financially secure for a lifetime and took an early retirement. He has romanced the sitar for about 30 years now, a little more than for how many years he has run the company he started from scratch. Now he has broken free from the responsibility of co-owning that company. Now he has gone back to the sitar once and for all. He has gone back to what he loves most.


Lucy In The Sky said...

That would be everyone's dream :)It would be easy to day "He is so lucky" but I'm sure he worked his ass off many years.

Anonymous said...

Smart one!

Cynic in Wonderland said...


nb.. said...

i wish each one of us could do something like that sometime :-)

GuNs said...

Who is this?

indicaspecies said...

Is this a riddle?
Okay, I give up. Who's he?:)

claytonia vices said...

Hehehehe! It's not a riddle. He's just a friend I know who is doing some inspiring stuff.

indicaspecies said...


My Unfinished Life said...

well..lucky guy..and most intelligent and adventorous guy!!!

Mizohican said...

I love your depiction of going back to one's roots with this photo. :)

mrityunjay said...

is it real? or photshop technic?

claytonia vices said...

thanks Illusionaire!

@mrityunjay, it's real.